Monday, July 23, 2018

Scott Fish Bowl Draft Ratings

As an data science exercise, I thought it might be fun to quantify the "value" of all the picks from the Scott Fish Bowl 8. Recycling an old Python Script I wrote last year to scrape ongoing MFL drafts, I tailored it to pull all drafts from each division of the 2018 Scott Fish Bowl. At this point, it was easy enough to quantify and normalize the "value" of each draft pick by comparing the pick against the field of competitors.

If most people took that player later than the drafter, it may not have been a good pick. Conversely, if the drafter got that player later than most, it may have been a good pick. With this in mind, a percentile was assigned to each pick by looking at what percentage of people took the pick before or at the same position as that drafter.

To put this in concrete terms, if everyone took a given player before the drafter, they get a 100%, as did Tyler Buecher's 12.03 pick of Duke Johnson. If they were the earliest person to pick that player, they'd get a 1%, as I did with my 2.07 selection of Mike Evans, which could have waited a round. By averaging these percentiles over all 22 picks of the contest, we can quantify which drafters are getting the most out of their limited draft capital. Now this single number surely doesn't tell the entire story, but hopefully it does isolate who was consistently getting value on their draft capital and who was reaching more often than not.

As a final point of detail, it's likely more meaningful to block this metric by draft position. The reason being that the 1.01 pick can't get much value out of their first selection. The best 1.01 can do is go with the consensus overall #1 pick of Todd Gurley, who was selected first overall 48%. There are likely other idiosyncrasies of draft position that may emerge after we've successfully blocked, or grouped, these entries together and treated them as the same.

Topping the list of the 1.01 is DFF's Greg Brandt, who averaged 67% on his 22 selections. This means that Mr. Brandt's picks were taken earlier than his selection 67% of the time on average. As such, it's reasonable to conclude that Greg did quite a bit better than the field of 1.01 players, who scored 46% on average, which is 4% lower than the overall theoretical expectation of 50%.

AvgDraft Team
67% Dynasty Football Factory - greg brandt (@devywarehouse)
62% FantasyGuru - Graham Barfield (@GrahamBarfield)
62% The Fantasy Joes Podcast - Ryan Livergood (@RotoLibrarian)
61% - Jeff Collins (@JeffKCollins)
60% Dynasty League Football - Jeff Miller (@FFJeffM)
57% PlayerProfiler - Cweb Dewey (@cwebdewey)
57% - Aaron Schillinger (@FFD260)
55% DTC - Ryan Lopes (@StillRyanFive)
55% DLF - Jake Anderson (@NFLDraftTalker)
54% Football Guys - Dan Hindery (@Hindery)
54% - Josh Smith (@j422smith)
53% Gridiron Experts - Jason Willan (@ConsultFantasy)
53% RotoViz - John Lapinski (@FF_SkiBall)
52% Dynasty Nerds and The Fantasy Footballers - Matthew Betz (@TheFantasyPT)
52% - Ghoji Blackburn (@Blacks08)
52% Pro Football Focus - Tyler Loechner (@LoechnerNFL)
51% and the Blitzed Podcast - Harley Schultz (@NewClearHarley)
51% Fanball/KFAN 100.3 - Brian Johnson (@btxj)
51% Rotogrinders - Brit Devine (@brit_devine)
50% Dynasty Football Factory - Scott Osterloh (@FF_EvilEmpire)
50% Pro Football Focus - Wally Spurlin (@WaltonSpurlin)
50% RotoViz - Michael Dubner (@Michael_Dubner)
50% Pro Football Focus - Scott Barrett (@ScottBarrettDFB)
50% Rotoviz - Kyle Dvorchak (@ffkylethekid)
49% Fan - Joey Cartolano (@JoeyPigskins)
49% 515 Fantasy Football - Andy Hall (@AndyHallRadio)
49% RotoWire - Michael Rathburn (@FantasyRath)
48% - Clayton Gray (@claytongrayfbg)
48% PlayerProfiler - Matthew Gajewski (@BiasedTuna)
48% 4for4 and rotoviz - Kevin Zatloukal (@kczat)
47% Rotogrinders - Sammy Reid (@Sammyreidfi)
47% Football Guys - Sigmund Bloom (@SigmundBloom)
47% BFTG Podcast - George Reed (@Bftgpod)
46% The 5th Down FF - Steve Behlman (@Redraftwarrior)
46% Fan - Mike Cahill (@FB_Cahill)
46% GuruElite - Vlad Sedler (@RotoGut)
46% Rotoworld - Patrick Daugherty (@RotoPat)
46% CBS Fantasy - Dave Richard (@daverichard)
46% Estadio Fantasy - Mauricio Gutierrez (@MGutierrezNFL)
46% Fantasy Football Helpers - Michael Stepney (@MStepney71)
46% RotoViz/FantasyInsiders/numberFire/TwoQBs - Anthony Amico (@amicsta)
46% - Chris Cheung (@ffdynasty101)
46% Football Diehards / Gridiron Scholar - John Laub (@GridironSchol91)
45% Dynasty Football Factory - Michael Fanaro (@AardvarkTV)
45% - Mike Meyer (@Mike_Meyer)
45% Sports Illustrated - Michael Beller (@MBeller)
45% RotoViz - John Solis (@popularffwriter)
43% - Steve Gallo (@SteveGalloNFL)
43% - Ryan Hallam (@fightingchance)
43% ClockDodgers - Adam Cahill (@TheOtherFFGuy)
43% NumberFire - Matt Kupferle (@MKupferle)
43% Dynasty Football Factory - Michael Cipes (@FFBlitz)
42% RotoViz - Neil Dutton (@Ndutton13)
41% Fanball - Scott Fish (@ScottFish24)
41% Pro Football Focus - Dan Schneier (@DanSchneierNFL)
41% DLF/Superflex SuperShow Podcast  -James Koutoulas (@_JamesTheBrain)
40% RotoWire - Tim Heaney (@Tim_Heaney)
40% SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio - Bennett Karoll (@TheBennettK)
40% RotoExperts - Joe Gallina (@joegallina)
40% RotoViz - Jeremy Marin (@TheJMarin)
40% Asylum Fantasy Football - Rick Briggs (@asylumfootball)
40% FLAFFL/Gut Feels - Derek McCreath (@TheFFRx)
39% FanSportsVisor - Steve Bateman (@TheSteveBateman)
39% Dynasty Football Factory - Tim Sambor (@Dff_timsambor)
38% Dynasty League Football - Ryan Finley (@RyanCFinley)
37% FantasyAlarm - Jonathan Impemba (@jimpemba777)
37% Rotobahn - Pete Davidson (@Rotobahn)
36% Inside the Pylon - Jeff Feyerer (@Jeff_feyerer)
36% RotoViz - Dave Caban (@davecabanff)
34% Dynasty Football Factory - Jerry Sinclair (@JerrysinDFF)
33% ESPN - Leo Howell (@LeoHowell8)
30% Dynasty Football Factory - Shane Swager (@DFFSwag)
27% / Dynasty Trade Calculator - Rob Waziak (@WazNFL)
27% LastWordOnProFootball - Mike Randle (@RandleRant)
20% Rotounderworld - Hilal Chami (@hjchami)

Leading the 1.02's was John Evans of the X's and Y's Podcast, who got a 72% score, drafting his players at a later position than the field 72% of the time, compared to the 48% average of all the 1.02s.

AvgDraft Team
72% Xs & Ys Podcast - John Evans (@JohnF_Evans)
63% FFD260 - Caleb Pierson (@Pierson242FF)
62% Daily Fantasy Cafe - Jason Guilbault (@JGuilbault11)
61% Fan - Robert Dolan (@IrishMick25)
61% Dynasty League Football and TwoQBs - Bobby Koch (@RekedFantasy)
61% Fan - Taylor Canevari (@TACanevari)
61% - Kenneth Cashman (@kenneth_cashman)
60% Fan - Kent Dougall (@kentd99)
60% Dynasty League Football - Michael Zingone (@FFzinger)
59% Dynasty League Football - Nick Canzanese (@FF_NickCanz)
59% Rotoworld - Connor Allen (@ConnorAllenNFL)
58% Fan - Dan Kukla (@Dbk_vtd)
57% Fan - Marcel Sleiman (@Slamen13)
56% Fan - Scott Steiner (@scottmsteiner)
55% Fan - Andrew Nashel (@andrewnashel)
55% Advanced Sports Logic - Levi Andrew (@LeviAndrewFF)
54% Fan - Tim Bower (@1_timmyB)
54% Fighting Chance Fantasy - Steve Rapin (@Fantasygeek37)
53% Fan - Derek Myers (@DAMyers10)
53% Fan  (@indoorzman)
53% Fan - Michael Pugh (@Mike953702441)
52% DLF - Leo Paciga (@Ciga_FF)
52% Dynasty Trade Calculator - Izzy Elkaffas (@DTC_izzye03)
52% Fan - Skip Newton (@swnewton31)
52% numberFire - JJ Zachariason (@LateRoundQB)
52% Fan - John Walter (@JohnWaltFB)
51% - John Williams (@john9williams)
51% DFF - Matt Jones (@MattJonesTFR)
50% Rotoballer - Anthony Aniano (@Aanianofantasy)
50% Fan - Matt Ste Claire (@mattsteclaire)
50% Fan - Anthony Gargano (@addictedtodd)
50% FFCouchCoach - Seth Inselman (@sethffl)
49% Fan - Dan Bell (@bellmatic88)
49% ESPN - Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR)
48% Fan - Steven Duke (@stevenWduke)
48% Fake Pigskin - Regan Yant (@ReganFP)
48% Fake Pigskin - Aaron Herman (@DE_aaron)
48% Fan - Mike Hayes (@Hayesnation88)
48% Fan - Emily Saul (@yoemcat)
47% TheHateful8FF - Justin Pickle (@JPickleTH8FF)
47% Dynasty Happy Hour - Zak Dewitt (@ZakDewitt)
47% DLF/Read and React - Adam Tzikas (@adamtz)
47% Fantistics - Michael Waldo (@MichaelWaldo)
47% Fan - Dylan Lerch (@dtlerch)
47% Fan - Blair Feagan (@)
46% Fan - Bill Radcliff (@billrad9)
46% The 5th Down FF - Johnny Slokes (@JohnnySlokes)
46% Fan - Bill Maendele (@medic28bill)
46% Her Fantasy Football - Brandon Marianne Lee (@BrandonHerFFB)
45% Footballdiehards - Armando Marsal (@Armando_Marsal)
45% Fan - Steffen St. Mary (@SteffenStMary)
45% Fan - Joshua Groll (@mr_groll)
45% RotoBallers - Gridiron Experts - Phil Clark (@_PhilClark)
44% Gridiron Experts,  The Fantasy Footballers - Mitchell Renz (@mitchellrenz365)
44% The Fantasy Football Fellas - Kyle August (@KyleFFfellas)
44% Fan - Neil Nagle (@MinnesotaFantasy)
44% Dynasty Wall St/Dynasty Game Night - John Bosch (@EMPIREFFL)
44% Footballguys - Jeff Haseley (@JeffHaseley)7
43% FanSided Fantasy CPR - Adam Strangis (@Bucn4life)
43% DLF - Brian Harr (@BrianHarrFF)
43% - Christopher Ventra (@THEAnalyst15)
42% goingfortwopod - Craig Fernicola (@Craigfernicola)
42% CBS Fantasy - Heath Cummings (@heathcummingssr)
42% Fan - Bob Piepoli 
40% Purple Report - Josh Mensch (@Joshmenschnfl)
39% Fan - Greg Skora (@GSkora)
39% SleeperWire Podcast - Husein Shabazz (@HusTheProphet)
39% NFL Editor,  Bleacher Report - Ian Kenyon (@IanKenyonNFL)
37% Dynasty League Football - The SuperFlex SuperShow - John Hogue (@SuperFlexDude)
37% Dynasty League Football - Jeff Haverlack (@DLF_Jeff)
36% FFD260 - Nic Brown (@nicosaurus31)
33% UTHDynasty - Katie Flower (@FF_Skyler399)
33% OvertimeIreland - James Maguire (@JamesMaguire21)
29% Fan - Billy Stitz (@Billystitz)
23% Next Fan Up - Jay Soderberg (@therealpodvader)

Leading the 1.03s was Tim Breemersch. His 71% success came in 20% above the 51% average for players picking out of the third position.

AvgDraft Team
71% Fan - Tim Breemersch (@TIIM)
65% Fan - Joshua Lake (@LakeTwoQBs)
65% Fantasy Insiders - Jeff Johnson (@jeffjohnsonFI)
64% - Mike Luchene & Ray Mencio (@nflroughdraft)
63% FFD260 - Chris Nalls (@CNalls83)
62% Fan - Cory Jeffries (@Pyrocory)
62% RotoExperts - Ian Riley (@Ian_Riley)
62% Fan - Jeff Perry (@JeffPerryIsHere)
61% FakePigskin - Christopher Fugazi (@Fugazilifefb)
61% Fan - Ryan Roberts (@_RyanRoberts33)
60% The Dynasty Dude Podcast - Cory Evans (@CoryEvansNFL)
60% - Adam Spinks (@TheRBScout)
59% DynastyTradeCalculator/ThreeConePodcast - Matt Foreman (@FattMoreman)
59% Dynasty Football Factory - Maverick Allison (@DFF_Maverick)
58% Yahoo - Dalton Del Don (@daltondeldon)
58% Fan - Mark Hill (@markhill321)
58% Inside The Pylon - Andrew Jordan (@The_ATJ)
58% FLAFFL House - Sal Leto (@letosal)
57% - Scott Bischoff (@Bischoff_Scott)
57% Rotoviz - Scott Smith (@ScottSmithFF)
56% DFF - Jason Soukup (@FL2drinkminimum)
56% The Open Bar / Dynasty Dummies - John Michael (@JMicCheck)
55% Player Profiler - Marc Mathyk (@Masterjune70)
54% Fake Pigskin - DJ Jarvis (@JarvisDFootball)
54% and - John Lee (@tipandpick)
54% Fan - Ryan Gruhlke (@rgruhlke)
54% Fan - Ryan Trosen (@trosenr)
54% Dynasty Football Factory - Stephen Fuller (@Fulst_rosto)
54% DTC - Jason Filter (@DTC_JasonF)
53% Yahoo - Michael Salfino (@MichaelSalfino)
53% Fan - Brian Strait (@FTLSunday)
53% Dynasty Football Factory - Mason Pickering (@DFF_Kiwi)
52% Dynasty Happy Hour - Tyler Guenthner (@DHH_Tyler)
52% Dynasty League Football - Jeremy Funk (@DLF_Deuce)
52% Fantasy Football Prophet - Jeff Torrey (@theffprophet)
51% Dynasty Happy Hour - Dwight Peebles (@DHHPeeblesChamp)
50% F3Pod - Nick Sigman (@NicSigman)
50% RotoUnderworld - Nick Coder (@Nickcoder)
50% numberFire - Justin Freeman (@Justinfreeman18)
50% Fan - Tyler Taylor (@Grizzlycanadian)
50% Fan - Gregory Sudat (@RealistSpeaking)
49% Rotounderworld - Craig Wambold (@Craigwambold)
49% The GOAT District @GOATdistrict
49% RotoWire - Neil Parker (@naparker77)
49% Playerprofiler - Drew Osinchuk (@Dfbeancounter)
49% Fan - Kevin Koch (@Misterskoch)
48% Dynasty Vipers - Polo Sprunger (@polosprung)
48% The Fantasy Authority - Jennifer Smith (@TheOnlyJenSmith)
48% - Dan Harris (@danharris80)
48% AussieGuysNFL - Greg Sharrock (@aussieguysnfl)
47% theScore - James Bisson (@james_bisson)
47% Climb the Pocket - James Rucker (Draftletes)
47% Trade Addicts Podcast - russ fisher (@DynastyOuthouse)
47% Fan - Mark Orns (@Mark_in_MI)
47% Gridiron Experts - Wes Anderson (@Wander34)
47% RotoWire - Jeff Erickson (@Jeff_Erickson)
47% Fan - Josh Bayley (@)
46% FantasyPros,  FFToday, ESPN Radio Albuquerque - Andrew Swanson (@FFtoday_Andy)
45% Dynasty Dummies - Zac Reed (@tacitassassin13)
44% Sports Illustrated/FNTSY - Corey Parson (@TheFantasyExec)
43% 24/7 fantasy football dynasty  & - Ryan Cearfoss (@Fntsyfbconnect)
43% Locked On Browns - Jeff LJ Lloyd (@Jeff_LJ_Lloyd)
42% Action Network - Chris Raybon (@ChrisRaybon)
42% Rotowire - Davis Mattek (@DavisMattek)
41% numberFire/DLF - Austan Kas (@AustanKas)
41% Rotogrinders - Christopher Gimino (@chrisgimino)
40% - Salvatore Stefanile (@2QBFFB)
40% - Mitch Lawson (@DFF_MitchLawson)
40% Fantasy Football 1 on 1 - THE FANTASY TYPHOON! (@jesusprotectme)
39% Dynasty Football Factory/IDP Edge Crushers - Dan Cook (@seahawksdan8)
39% Fake Pigskin - Rick Findura (@dukeandboy)
37% OvertimeIreland - Colm Kelly (@OvertimeIreland)
37% Rotobahn - Jim Hackett (@RotobahnHacksaw)
33% Football Diehards - Emil Kadlec (@ffdiehards)
28% Fantasy Football Geekly - Dennis Farrell (@Dennis77Farrell)

Leading the 1.04s was Jeff Borzello, whose 68% was nearly 16% better than the 52% average of the other 1.04s.

AvgDraft Team
68% ESPN - Jeff Borzello (@Jeffborzello)
67% Fan - Kyle Shumway (@Ffpadawan)
66% TwoQBs - Sean Slavin (@Slavin22)
66% Fan - Alex Svetich (@Hansgruberhitit)
66% Fan - Walter Raymond (@W_R_iii)
65% Fan - Elliott Anderson (@DarthPiChi)
64% The Fantasy Joes - Trey Barrett (@TreyBarrett)
64% Fan - Chad Scott (@Chad_Scott13)
63% - James Brimacombe (@JamesBrimacombe)
63% Fan - Thomas Evans (@brotoworld)
62% Fan - Michael Golden (@fantasydetes)
62% Fan - Matt Phillips (@Mphillips30458 )
62% Fan - Matthew Won (@Matthew_Won)
61% Dynasty Happy Hour - Clint Followell (@DHH_Pastor)
61% Dynasty Happy Hour - Kyle VerHulst (@Kverhulst288)
60% FF24/7 & FFD260 - Mark Leipold (@LeipoldNFL)
59% TwoQBs - Greg Smith (@gregsauce)
59% Fan - James Clark (@j_man3)
58% FantasyLabs - Matthew Freedman (@MattFtheOracle)
58% RotoViz - Ben Gretch (@YardsPerGretch)
58% Fan - Clint Willman (@cwillman21)
58% Rotoviz - Brian Malone (@BrianMaloneFF)
58% Fan - Spencer Collins (@_kyakona)
57% Fan - Christo Hees (@Th3What)
57% - Brad Castronovo (@bkc78)
57% Fan - Julie Bissonnette (@JulieBReff4fun)
57% So-Called Fantasy Experts - Michael Tomlin (@Tomlin3)
56% Fan - Jesse Golik Meineke (Thefellowjgm)
55% - Kevin Wheeler (@FF_Wheeler)
55% Fan - Jeff Seltzer (@Jeffnyc123)
54% Fan - Jon Nelson (@jonnyboyrev)
54% Fan - Kevin Genson,  BeerSheets (@Beer4TheBeerGod)
53% Fan - Andrew Kinning (@ND1FAN333)
53% Fan - Mark Radwan (@Markradwan)
53% Fan - Jonathan Evans (@_jonathan_evans)
53% Dynasty League Football - James Simpson (@JS_Football)
53% Fan - Dennis Owens (@dpowensj)
52% Fan - Marty Bergeron (@Ramytbergeron)
52% Pro Football Focus - Curtis Patrick (@CPatrickNFL)
52% The Fantasy Footballers - Nate Hamilton (@DomiNateFF)
52% FLAFFL House - Steven Marcuz (@SidSkeat)
52% Football Guys - Alessandro Miglio (@AlexMiglio)
52% DLF - Matt Price (@MPricer)
51% numberFire - Jim Sannes (@JimSannes)
51% Gridiron Experts, The Final Call - Andrew Erickson (@Andrewerickson_)
51% Gridiron Experts, Tradespotting Pod - Hunter Gibbon (@HunterGibbon)
51% - Fernando Kallas (@fernandokallas)
50% Fan - Mike Edson (@)
50% Fan - Will Seelbach (@WilliamSeelbach)
49% The Fantasy Football Franchise (@F3Pod)
48% Fan - Michael Nissen (@thediamondmike)
48% Fan - Shane Trego (@ShaneTrego)
48% Gridiron Experts - Anthony Cervino (@Therealnflguru)
48% Fan - Jay Felicio (@Gmenjay)
48% Fantasy CPR - Ethan Lillard (@TheEthanLillard)
48% FFD260 - Joel Davis (@JoelD260)
47% FakePigskin - Alex Guzman (@dynasty_ag)
47% Dynasty Football Factory - Aaron Larson (aalarson)
46% Scout Fantasy - Dr. Roto (@DrRoto)
46% Dynasty Happy Hour- Tim Keller (@DHH_Tim)
46% 4for4 - TJ Hernandez (@TJHernandez)
46% Gridiron Experts/ FF Faceoff - Michael Hauff (@TheFFRealist)
46% Fan - Mason Blair (@SFF_nosaM)
45% Fake Pigskin - Ben Rolfe (@Benrolfe15)
44% Fantasy Knuckleheads / Upside Down drafting - Jonathan Bauman (@UDDworks)
43% - Joe Bond (@F6P_Joe)
43% - Josh Hayes (@JoshHayesFS)
41% Fan - Marty Smith (@beemer_cleaner)
40% Fan - David Turnau (@whoisdavet)
39% (mybsite)  - Geoff Lambert (@GeoffLambert77)
38% Fan - Pete Keding (@AnAdvocate4The1)
37% - Jordan McNamara (@McNamaraDynasty)
35% Fan - Andrew McLeod (@atmcleod)
34% Aussie Guys NFL - John Schepps (@SlizzDigital)
29% Fan - Tim Robinson (@Timthegrizzly)

Leading the 1.05s was Kent Weyrauch, whose 68% was 20% better than the 48% average of all the 1.05 drafters.

AvgDraft Team
68% The Fantasy Authority - Kent Weyrauch (@KentWeyrauch)
67% Sports Injury Predictor - Jason Rock Phelps (@DataScientistFF)
62% RotoViz/Fantasyland Podcast - Patrick Kerrane (@PatKerrane)
60% Football Diehards - Bob Harris (@footballdiehard)
60% Fantasy Guru - Tom Brolley (@FG_Brolley)
60% RotoViz - Devin McIntyre (@devinmci)
60% Fanball - Mat Harrison (@ExplosiveOutput)
59% SiriusXM,  PFF- Dan Clasgens (@DanClasgens)
59% Dynasty League Football - George Kritikos (@RotoHack)
58% So Called Fantasy Experts - Fabian Taylor (@CanucksRule247)
56% FantasyPros - Mike Tagliere (@MikeTagliereNFL)
56% Rotoworld - John Daigle (@notJDaigle)
56% Gridiron Experts - Paul Alan (@PaulAlanNFL)
56% Dynasty League Football - Dwayne Brown (@DwayneB13)
55% Rotoworld - Jesse Pantuosco (@JessePantuosco)
55% Fantasy Alarm - Daniel Malin (@RealDANlanta)
55% DynastyFootballFactory / Devy Watch Podcast - Lawrence Chaney (@pacificscouting)
55% RotoWire - John Halpin (@jhalpin37)
54% Draft Sharks - Jared Smola (@SmolaDS)
54% Fantasy Football Auction - Bryce Coyle (@slim4MVP)
54% The Fantasy Footballers - Kyle Borgognoni (@kyle_borg)
53% Trophy Time Dynasty Happy Hour. - Doug Eddy (@DaFantasyFather)
53% Fantasy Sharks - Gary Davenport (@IDPSharks)
53% 4for4 - Josh Hermsmeyer (@friscojosh)
52% - Devin Knotts (@ohiostate241)
51% Rotoworld - Aaron Solomon (@AaronS_RW)
51% Reality Sports Online - Dave Sanders (@DSanders877)
51% RotoUnderworld - Andrew Persanyi (@persanyi_island)
51% - Phil Alexander (@PhilFBG)
51% Fantrax - Andy Singleton (@PeoplezPen)
51% Fantasy Football 24/7,  GX - Derek Brown (@Dbro_ffb)
50% The Fantasy Authority - Christopher Johnson (@TFA_Chris)
50% RotoBaller - Pierre Camus (@pfunk00)
50% FFD260 - Alfredo Flores (@ChxckenAlfredo)
50% Fantasy Fix - Allie Fontana (@AllieFontana)
49% Dynasty Football Factory / The Fantasy Forty - John DiBari (@dibari22)
49% Fanball - Christian Peterson (@coolerheads29)
49% Pro Football Focus - Pat Thorman (@Pat_Thorman)
48% NFFC - Greg,  Tom & Darik (@thenffc)
47% Host/Creator of JNJTalksports Podcast,  Dominate Fantasy football writer - @Jnjtalksports @Ezpolizzi_21
47% PFF - Mike Castiglione (@Castiglione_PFF)
46% The Fake Football - Jeff Brubach (@Jeff_Brubach)
46% Fantasy Football for Winners (@bjrudell)
46% Dynasty Trade Calculator - Nick Whalen (@_NickWhalen)
46% RotoExperts - Frank Stampfl (@Roto_Frank)
46% ClockDodgers - Josh Crocker (@jccrocker)
45% NFL en Familia - Jaime Tamez (@NFLenFamilia)
45% Rotoworld - Raymond Summerlin (@RMSummerlin)
45% Dynasty League Football - Brandon Salamat (@IDPwithBEE)
45% numberFire - Sam Hauss (@real_hauss)
44% The Fantasy Footballers - eric ludwig (@FF_Gouge)
44% FFPC - Eric Balkman (@EricBalkman)
43% Drinkfive! - Shawn Foss (@Shawn_Foss)
43% Scout Fantasy - Scott Atkins (@ScottFantasy)
43% FantasyCruncher - Zach Qualtieri (@zachsgotmoxy)
43% Big Guy Fantasy Sports - Bob Lung (@bob_lung)
42% 4for4 - Jennifer Eakins (@themondaymommy)
42% Yahoo - Andy Behrens (@andybehrens)
42% theScore - David P. Woods (@davidpwoods)
41% numberFire,  DLF - Peter Lawrence (@_PeteLaw)
41% Fan - Phil Prior (@phil_prior)
40% Inside the Pylon - Mark Schofield (@MarkSchofield)
40% 4for4 - Chris Kucharski (@Chris_Kucharski)
38% DLF - The SuperFlex SuperShow - Travis Rasmussen (@TravisNFL)
38% RotoViz - Blair Andrews (@AmItheRealBlair)
38% - Rob Grimwood (@FFBritBaller)
38% FFD260 - Danny Mackey (@Fantasypipeline)
37% Fantasy Football Auction - Shane Beckett (@UncleBucketts)
35% Sporting News - Thomas Emerick (@ThomasEmerick)
35% Dynasty Football Factory - Shane Manila (@Dff_Shane)
35% - Laurie Horesh (@LaurieHoresh)
35% FNTSY Sports Radio Network / RotoExperts - Mike Blewitt (@mikeblewitt)
34% The Fantasy Authority - Justin McCasland (@MaclandJ)
34% FFToday - Mike Krueger (@FF_Today)
34% Fan - Jim Day (@fantasytaz)

Leading the 1.06s was Brandon Pinney, whose 70% was 20% better than the 50% average of all the 1.06s. It seems intuitive and satisfying that players picking from the middle position have a 50% expectation on their score.

AvgDraft Team
70% Dynasty Nerds - Brandon Pinney (@brandonpinneyff)
68% TheScore - Justin Boone (@Justinboone)
67% Fan - Jason Kamlowsky (@JasonKamlowsky)
64% Fan - Mike Berardis (@drmike914)
64% Fan - Russ Prentice (@FootballJedi)
63% ESPN / Bleacher Report - Jim McCormick (@_jimmymccormick)
63% The Fantasy Football Party (1500 ESPN) - Anthony Maggio (@MPLSMaggio)
63% - Pat Fitzmaurice (@Fitz_FF)
62% DynastyWire - JonMichael Viator (Thedraftgenius)
60% Fan - Kenneth Nixon (@fhnixon)
60% Fan - Mike Cave (@caveman_911)
60% - John LaPresto (@TheJohnLaPresto)
58% GoingForTwo Podcast - Billy Bowerman (@BillyBowerman)
57% Dynasty Football Factory - Jonathan Smith (@DFF_sjonathan02)
56% Gridiron Experts - Zach Greubel (@ZachGreubel)
56% Rotoballer,  Fantasy Bomb Pod - Chris Mangano (@ChrisMangano)
56% Celebrity - James Roday (@JamesRoday)
56% Phillip Watkins (@Advantalytics), it's me.
55% The Fantasy Footballers - Michael Wenrich (@Mpw270)
55% FantasyInsiders & RotoGrinders - Josh ADHD (@FantasyADHD)
54% Fan - Brian Devine (@BigD_Devine)
54% Fan - Pete Acquaviva (@PDAcquaviva)
54% - Matt Donnelly (@Dingas4)
53% DynastyFootballFactory - Michael Stephenson (@DFF_Mste)
53% SB Nation's Fake Teams - Heath Capps (@HeathCapps)
52% Dynasty Happy Hour - David Berger (@carljunior)
52% 4for4 - Steve Andress (@steve_andress)
52% Fanball - Paul Charchian (@PaulCharchian)
52% DFF - Caleb Smith (@DFF_CSmith)
52% Fan - Eric Fernandez (@Ferndog_E)
52% Fan - Rich Watt (@BrewtownBikes)
51% Fan - Brian Smith (@smithbk)
51% Dynasty League Football & Big Guy Fantasy Sports - Josh Brickner (@joshbrickner)
50% CBS Fantasy - Jamey Eisenberg (@JameyEisenberg)
50% Inside The Pylon - Nicholas Falato (@nickfalato)
50% Fantasy Sports Markets - Ben Heisler (@bennyheis)
50% numberFire - Blair Ames (@Blair_Ames)
50% RotoWire - Derek VanRiper (@DerekVanRiper)
50% Fantasy Alarm - Ivar Anderson (@)
50% Fan - Theo Tigno (@Treative)
50% numberFire - Akash Bhatia (@FantasyKash)
49% Fan - Nick Rice (@Nick_Rice)
49% The Fantasy Authority - Kevin Steele (@FantasyWrath13)
49% RotoGrinders - CJ Kaltenbach (@TheSeigeDFS)
48% Fake Pigskin - Scott Young (@scottyoungLV)
48% The Fantasy Football Comedy Hour,  Rotoviz - Peter Overzet (@peteroverzet)
47% Fan - Richard McEwen (@RichardMcEwen6)
47% Dynasty Noobs - Gabe Benson (@Dynasty_Benson)
47% Dynasty League Football - Jaron Foster (@jlfoster10)
46% Fan - Michael Kaus (@CLERallyChicken)
45% All In Dynasty - Chris Whitman (@ChrisWhitman11)
45% Yahoo - Liz Loza (@LizLoza_FF)
44% DynastyDads - - Matt Renshaw (@DynastyDads)
44% Dynasty Nerds - Jon Glosser (@Glosser13)
44% Yahoo - Brad Evans (@YahooNoise)
42% Fake Pigskin - Justin Tarte (@TarteDaBeast)
41% Fan - Jamin Spitzer (@jaminsp)
40% Fan - Al-kareem Ferguson (@Kingshowtime44)
40% ESPN West Palm - Nolan Murphy (@TheNolanMurphy)
40% RB1 Podcast - Clark Barnes (@NFLClark)
40% Her Fantasy Football - Courtney Kirby (@CourtneyHerFFB)
40% - Anthony Spangler (@AnthonySpang)
39% The AA Football Podcast - Austin Artinger (@AJ_Artinger41)
39% Fan - Barry Ghezzi (@abghezzi)
39% Fantasy Football Franchise ( - Frank Scandurro (@Frank_Scandurro)
39% The Fantasy Football Party (1500 ESPN) - Bo Mitchell (@Bo_Mitchell)
38% Fan - jacob allen (@pcmotitas)
38% 4for4 - Russell Manalastas (@RussPT)
36% Auctionable Offense Podcast - Zach Bahner (@BahnerFFett)
35% Fan - Giancarlo Libertino (@g_libertino)
34% - Jamie Calandro (@Jac3600)
34% Fake Pigskin - Luke Taylor (@DeathtoLT)
32% Fan - Tim Picard (@Thewhiskeyruner)
32% Fan - Colin Hester (@TerryVelcro)

Leading the 1.07s was Tim Jablonski, whose 66% score was 16% better than the 50% average of all 1.07s. Again, we see a 50% average for the other half of players who got a middle position pick.

AvgDraft Team
66% - Tim Jablonski (@TimJablonski)
66% Dynasty Trade Calculator - JP Hurley (@FFHurcules)
64% RotoGrinders/Fantasy Insiders - Christopher Prince (@beermakersfan)
64% Fantasy Footballers, Fantasy Tilt Pod - Keaton Denlay (@keatondenlay)
61% Fantasy Mojo - Darren Armani (@fantasymojo)
61% - Gentan Schulteis (@GentanSchulteis)
60% Fan - Aaron Swinderman (@FFAaroneous)
60% - Tim Torch (@TimNFL)
60% Fan - Carey Yost (@3optic)
60% Fantasy Insiders - David Kitchen (@Socrdave)
60% FantasyLabs - Sean Valukis (@svalukis)
59% - Jeff Matson (@JeffmatsonRV)
59% Fan - Joe Hayes (@JH3Yankees)
58% Dynasty League Football - Ryan McDowell (@RyanMc23)
58% 4for4 - John Paulsen (@4for4_John)
58% RotoViz - Charlie Kleinheksel (@spidr2ybanana)
57% Fan - Kyle Swanger (@BotchSlow)
57% Fan - Jesse Reeves (@JesseReevesFS)
57% Fan - Cole Renicker (@officemonkey4)
57% Fan - James Grover (@MostSuperGrover)
56% Fan - Ryan McKee (@)
56% Fan - Kurt Holiday (@SpringboksFFC)
56% Fan - @TheStreetFA
56% Fan - Brian Willey (@fantasybishop)
55% Fan - Andrew Draper (@DraperWiFCA)
55% PlayerProfiler and numberFire - Eric McClung (@ericmcclung)
55% Pro Football Focus - Nathan Jahnke (@pff_natejahnke)
54% Fan - Jacob Bisel (@UMjcb)
53% FFD260 - Jake Hinson (@JakeHinson11)
53% The Fantasy Football Franchise (@F3POD),  The IDP Guys (@IDPGUYS) - Sam Lane (@FFStompy)
53% Dynasty Football Factory - Lewis Glover (@FF_DownUnder)
53% Fan - Sean Morris (@SeanMorris_13)
52% Football Guys - Jeff Tefertiller (@JeffTefertiller)
52% Dynasty Happy Hour / Dynasty One Fantasy - Adam Wilde (@DHH_Adam)
51% Fan - Brendan McCaffrey (@Bmccaff52)
51% DraftTV - Shane Hallam (@ShanePHallam)
51% Dynasty Happy Hour - Christopher Svoboda (@TheSvobodaDHH)
51% Fantasy Sharks - Lisa London (@leedoglaw)
50% Fan - Keith Harlan (@Fog7372)
50% RotoCurve - Adam Pfeiffer (@APfeifer24)
50% Fan - Bobby Schuster (@bobbyschuster)
50% DLF - Dan Sainio (@FFDynastyDan)
50% Fan - Dylan Strauss (@dylznick)
50% Fan - Mickey Kocon (@McKocon)
49% Inside the Pylon - Doug Moore (@DMooreNFL)
49% Fan - Brad Russell (@TheFFLCommish)
48% SoCalledFantasyExperts - David Gonos (@davidgonos)
48% DFF - Memphis Young (@DFFMemphis)
47% FantasyLabs - Adam Levitan (@adamlevitan)
46% RotoViz - Timothy Talmadge (@FullOnTLT)
46% Fan - Mike Jernigan (@MikeJernigan79)
46% Purple For the Win - Andy Carlson (@AndyCarlsonShow)
45% Celebrity - Eric Young (@TheEricYoung)
45% RotoViz - Jacob Rickrode (@ClutchFantasy)
45% So Called Fantasy Experts - Levi Serfoss (@theleviserf)
45% Panthers Wire / Bengals Wire - Bill Riccette (@Bill_Riccette)
45% Fan - Jeremy Myers (@dynochrist)
44% Fan - Pat Wright (@Patwrightqb)
43% Fan - Nick Nathe (@flylefty)
43% Fan - 4th of Ju-luau
42% Fan - Luke Bisson (@Intentional_g)
41% TwoQB/Rotoviz - Giana Pacinelli (@Gianaaaa)
41% DLF - Rob Willette (@RobWillette24)
41% FNTSY - Nando DiFino (@nandodifino)
41% Fan - Ross Norris (@NCFF_COMMISH)
39% Run to Daylight Podcast/Rotoviz - Tod Burros (@TodfromPa)
37% Fan - Ryan Thurlow (@thegiraffe777)
37% Fan - Brad Hoese (@)
37% Fan - Martyn Carlisle (@_Fooledbyrandom)
35% numberFire - Barry Cohen (@ScaryBarry4)
35% HarrisFootball (formerly ESPN) - Christopher Harris (@HarrisFootball)
33% Eric Olinger (@OlingerIDP)
29% - Marcus Grant (@MarcasG)
26% Fan - Chris Heil (@thegrizzlybeard)

Leading the 1.08s was David Burdick, whose 73% was 23% better than the 50% average for all 1.

AvgDraft Team
73% Fan - David Burdick (@ff_prophet)
71% Fan - Patrick Waterman (@patwtweets)
71% Dynasty Football Factory - Michael Oliva (@MikeCOliva)
67% 4for4 - Eliot Crist (@Eliotcrist)
67% Dynasty Happy Hour - Jacob Henry (@JacobHenryFF)
66% FantasyJocks - Alec Snyder (@FantasyJocks)
64% Fan - Renee Golden (@mrsfantasydetes)
62% Fan - Gerard O'Callaghan (@gocall01)
62% Daily Roto - Michael Leone (@2hats1mike)
61% The Washington Post - Des Bieler (@DesBieler)
60% FLAFFL House/Dynasty Trade Calculator - Kevin Cutillo (@wallycentral)
60% Fantasy Pros,  Fantrax - Matthew Williams (@MattWi77iams)
57% PFF - Jordan Casper (@jcasper268)
57% Fan - Aaron Schuiteman (@aaronschuiteman)
56% numberFire/Gridiron Experts - Andrew Fleischer (@afleischer)
55% Fan - Anthony Buccelli (@Anthony_B_FF)
55% Dynasty League Football - Kevin OBrien (@the_ff_engineer)
54% AussieGuysNFL - Adrian Janson (@aussieguysnfl)
54% All Day Football - Chris Chous (@chris_ADF1)
53% PlayerProfiler - Jeremy McCarthy (granolajeremy)
53% Fan - Tyler Schmidt (@schmitty088)
53% DLF/playerprofiler - Peter Howard (@Pahowdy)
53% Eat Sleep Fantasy - Armando Crespo (@thundercrespo)
52% Fan - Morgan Flanders (@M_flanders213)
52% CBS Sports - Will Brinson (@WillBrinson)
52% RotoViz - Moody (@EricNMoody)
52% Dynasty League Football - Nathan Powell (@NPowellFF)
52% Fan - Ryan Early (@RyanAEarly)
51% Fan - Derek Wiley (@dwiley1223)
51% Fantasy Joes - Willl Greenwood (@fantasyjoe_will)
51% Dynasty Happy Hour/Clockdodgers Podcast - Nick Martinez (@NickMartinezFF)
50% Fan - Greg Berthiaume (@GREGGELS17)
50% - Jason Wood (@fbgwood)
49% Fan - Malinda Mosholder (@BeerAndBlank)
49% Fan - John Pathe (@)
48% numberFire - Matt Blair (@grizzlyblair)
48% Fan - Russell Clay (@RussellJClay)
48% 4for4 - Nick Raducanu (@StickToPizza)
48% Dynasty Happy Hour - Gabe Geering (@FFManBun)
48% The Fantasy Footballers - Ryan Weisse (@TheFantasyFive)
48% FFPC - Dave Gerczak (@DavidGerczak)
48% Fan - Matthew Giraldi (@MGiraldi)
47% Fantasy hot read Dominick Petrillo @EnvisionFF
47% Fantasy Football Auction - Shane Bliss (@mrblistr)
47% RotoGrinders - Justin Lonero (@JustinLonero)
47% FWFB - Mike Alexander (@Roto_Wan) 
47% Fan - Matthew Lum (@Th0rhalla)
46% FantasyPros - Jody Smith (@JodySmithNFL)
46% Fan - Dairn Peters (@DairnPeters)
45% FFD260 - John McGlynn (@jfmcglynn)
45% Fan - Zack Dubay (@heydubay)
45% Fan - Tyler Moore (@Tylermoore2724)
44% Fan - Mike Gurley (@foolofatook13)
44% Fan - Mark Palmer (@Mongo_UK)
44% Fantasy Black Book - Joe Pisapia (@JoePisapia17)
44% - Anthony Staggs (@PyroStag)
44% Beer Fueled Fantasy Football - Dan Thury (@ThuryBff)
44% Fan - Charlie Cavallier (@Chuckcavallier)
43% - The Podfather (@Fantasy_Mansion)
43% Fan - Matt Bennett (@bennett09matt)
43% Dynasty Nerds - Jon Diment (@DynastyJon)
43% Rotoballer - Steve Halupka (@TheRealHalupka)
42% Fan - Joshua Evirs (@)
42% Fan - Kacey Royer (@thekaceykasem)
42% - Michael Russill (@Bestballfantasy)
42% Fan - Larry Long (@llong7teen)
41% Fantasy Hot Read - Andrew Ferris (@AndyFerrisFF)
40% Fan - Kevin Thomas (@KevThomas11)
39% Fan - Kristin Goosen (@kristingoosen)
38% Fan - Steven Burns (@captcville)
38% OccupyFantasy - Brian Jester (@BrianJesterFF)
37% Fan - Daniel Delgado (@slater3d)
36% Saturday2Sunday (on sebatical) - Bill Latin (@BillLatin)
30% Football Diehards - Jen Ryan (@FFdeJENerate)
23% Dynasty Football Factory - IDP Edge Crushers - Darrell Winstead (@DFF_DWin)

Leading the 1.09s was Todd Shomion, whose 76% was 26% better than the 50% overall for 1.09s.

AvgDraft Team
76% Fan - Todd Shomion (@tshomito)
70% DynastyHHPod - Jason Thomas (@DHH_Skinman)
66% Dynasty Nerds - Rich Dotson (@DynastyRich)
66% The Fantasy Footballers - Ben Cummins (@BenCumminsFF)
66% Dynasty Nerds - Jordan Richards (@chaboyjrich)
66% Fan - Marc Hava (@MegatronFF)
65% TheDFSEdge Podcast - Al Zeidenfeld (@AlZeidenfeld)
64% PlayerProfiler, RotoViz - Justin Woodruff (@WoodJustRuff)
62% Dynasty League Football - Ken Moody (@DLF_Kenm)
61% Fan - Scott Mahoney (@BellCowBack)
60% RotoViz - Aaron Butler (@ripatriot)
60% The Fantasy Football Gurus - Josh Trotta (@TFFGurus)
58% numberFire - Jason Schandl (@JasonSchandl)
58% Pro Football Focus - Daniel Kelley (@danieltkelley)
58% DFS Power Hour - John Proctor (@JohnProctorDFS)
58% Dynasty League Football - Dan Meylor (@dmeylor22)
58% Fan - Adam Nessel (@ANessel01)
57% Fan - Brad Adam (@Payme092209_b)
57% FantasyLabs/The Action Network - Matt LaMarca (@MattLaMarca)
56% RotoExperts - Scott Engel (@scotteRotoEx)
56% Bullrush Podcast -  (@DynastyFrank)
55% FLAFFLHouse - Tony Reimer (@mrmeseeksff)
55% Fan - Tyler Gardner (@thetylergardner)
54% Fan - Sean McCormick (@Lunchbox031)
54% Fan - Patrick McDermott (@BigPerm3313)
53% - Chris Allen (@ChrisAllenFFWX)
52% Fan - Ryan Hurley (@RyanmHurley)
52% RotoGrinders - Eric Crain (@ericcrain)
52% Protoblock - Jay Berg (@protoblock)
52% Fantasy Football Prophet - Craig Phillips (@theffprophet)
52% Fake Pigskin - Aaron Brumley (@Dr_Brumley)
52% Draft Day Consultants - CD Carter (@CDCarter13)
52% Apex Fantasy Leagues - Mike Braude (@BraudeM)
52% Fan - Dominic Senska (@senska11)
51% Fan - Paul Winterhalter (Pwindynasty)
51% Fantasy Footballers Podcast - Fantasy Footballers (@TheFFBallers)
51% Dynasty Noobs pod - Adam Riese (@Riese_adam)
50% Dynasty Nerds - Brendan Moar (@More_Dynasty)
50% Fan - Brendan Ringwood (@Ringwood321)
50% Fake Pigskin - Jim Dreher (@_Mailman_)
49% Dynasty Trade Calculator - Riley Bymaster (@DTC_RileyB)
49% UTHDynasty - Chad Parsons (@ChadParsonsNFL)
49% - Rick Rosen (@TheRickRosen)
48% Dynasty Nerds - Matt O’Hara (@DynastyMatt)
48% Fan - Kevin Riley (@kr2020)
48% Dynasty Football Factory - Nathan Coleman (@JhawkChalk89)
48% numberFire - Joe Redemann (@JayArrNFL)
47% Dynasty1Podcast - Jesse Patterson (@df_patterson)
46% Dynasty Football Factory - Shaun Crandall (@whiskeyd0g)
45% Fan - Brett Romano (@Gold_Blooded21 )
44% Dynasty League Football - Noah Ballweg (@KOTSFantasy)
44% Fanball - Trevor Jones (@tjones5)
44% - Justin Howe (@JustinHoweFF)
44% The Sports Underground/Hands Down FF - Sean Tenerelli (@phinphan54)
44% Doug Bevills (@OklahomieIDP)
43% Fan - Vincent Basciano (@bisoder)
43% Fan - Carla (@Coinflip22)
43% Dynasty Football Factory - Shaun Laibe (@DynastyGOAT)
43% CBS Fantasy - Chris Towers (@CTowersCBS)
43% Fan - Tommie Redgrave (@TomRedgrave)
42% Dynasty Football Factory - Brad McDaniel (@DFF_BMack)
41% Fan - Allan Hepworth (@FF_Hep)
41% Pro Football Focus - Michael Moore (@PFF_Moore)
41% The League Builders (@Jon_Margulis)
40% Draft Sharks - Matt Schauf (@SchaufDS)
40% Fantasy Insiders - Chris Chichon (@TheBigCheeShow)
40% Dynasty Dummies - Kyle LaBreck (@Klabreck)
39% GuruElite - Jeff Mans (@Jeff_Mans)
38% Fantasy Football Chick - Rachel Wold (@liveocgirl)
35% Fan - Ben Battle (@Ben_Battle3)
35% Fake Pigskin - Luke O'Neill (@ace_luke)
35% Dynasty1Podcast - Karl Safchick (@KarlSafchick)
34% Gridiron Experts - Joseph Hulbert (@HulbertJoe)
33% Fan - Jacob Redmon (@ThecheeseheadFF)
22% Fan - John Bergeron (@)

Leading the 1.10s was Sreekanth Nanga, whose 80% score was 31% higher than the average of 49% for all 1.10s. Mr. Nanga has the highest overall "value" percentile in his picks, getting the latest pick overall of Michael Crabtree in the 11th round and Randall Cobb in the 12th and Kenny Stills in the 15th. He also got A.J. Green at 4.03, which was in the 99 percentile of lateness. Realize there is an element of luck to this, as Mr. Nanga had the opportunity to make five different 1 in 100 level picks, but it also takes skill to recognize these chances.

AvgDraft Team
80% Fan - Sreekanth Nanga(@SreekanthReddyN)
69% The Fantasy Authority - Jeff Donovan (@JeffDonovan_FF)
69% The Woot and Wye Show (@WootandWye)
64% numberFire - Dale Redman (@DTRedman)
63% Fakepigskin - Dan McDonnell (@Dan_McD)
63% 4for4 - Mike Margossian (@mikemarff)
63% Dynasty Football Factory / The Fantasy Forty - Matt Walker (@DFF_Walk)
61% DLF / The Fantasy Authority - Travis May (@FF_TravisM)
60% Fan - Phil Murphy (@Philmur10)
58% ProFootballFocus - Tyler Buecher (@TylerBuecher)
58% Fan - Diana Schaapveld (@justdianacvt)
57% RotoExperts - Michael Florio (@MichaelFFlorio)
57% - Thomas Karlac (@ThomasKarlac)
57% Scout Fantasy - Adam Ronis (@adamronis)
57% Football Guys - Ari Ingel (@FFesq)
56% Fan - Joe Ellis (@BiggestJoe313)
56% CBS Chicago - Jack Thomason (@jthomason77)
56% FLAFFL House / Fantasy Football Franchise - Rob Schwarz, Jr. (@ChiRuxinIDP)
55% Fan - Ryan Santos (@FFLINX)
54% Dynasty Happy Hour - Josh Padgett (@jpadgett94)
54% Fan - Ben Doeven (@BenLDoeven)
54% FNTSY Sports Radio Network - Kevin Walsh (@TheKevinWalsh)
54% TwoQBs (retired) - A. Don Davenport (@adondavenport)
54% FFD260 & FakePigSkin - Jared Forest (@ThatGuyFromJerz)
53% DynastyTradesHQ podcast. @DynastyFootballFactory Senior Editor - Jeremy Browand (@DFF_Madman)
53% numberFire - Brandon Gdula (@gdula13)
53% Redshirts Podcast - Matt Okada (@FantasySensei)
53% Fan - Wes Solether (@Wessolether)
53% PlayerProfiler/Rotounderworld - Mike Keeley (@Mikebkeeley)
53% ZachLawOnline - Zach Law (@zach_law)
52% Fan - Cory Grummert (@CGrummert)
51% Fan - Benjamin Cunningham (@benc1357)
51% WikiPigskin - Warren Kiessling (@rotocoach)
51% - Justin Bonnema (@justinbonnema)
50% - Nate Liss (@Anoutragedjew)
48% Rotoworld - Josh Norris (@JoshNorris)
48% Fan - John Obradovich (@JObradovich)
48% - Phillip Kinne (@amaze652)
48% FantasyJocks - Dustin Remy (@FantasyJocks)
48% TwoQBs - TJ Calkins (@tjcalkins)
48% (The Fantasy Football Franchise or F3) - Tyler Ghee (@TylerGheeNFL)
47% Inside The Pylon - Ryan Dukarm (@DBRyan_Dukarm)
46% Fan - Michael Gray (@tebow904_NDL)
46% Rotowire - Dave McKay (@TalktotheBrain)
46% FFCouchCoach - Justin Barlow (@FFcouchcoach)
46% RotoViz - Hasan Rahim (@hrr5010)
46% Beeline Sports - Doug Shain (@Bankster17)
46% Dynasty League Football - Tom Kislingbury (@TomDegenerate)
45% Fan - Devin Chrystal (@thejuggrnaut)
45% GuruElite - Thad Houston (@Rad_Thad1)
44% Fantasy Pros - Bobby Sylvester (Bobbyfantasypro)
44% Rotoviz - Pat James (@Patjamesdfs)
44% Reality Sports Online - Luke O'Connel (@FantasydocOC)
43% Locked on 49ers - Brian Peacock (@bdpeacock)
43% Fan - Eddie Strait (@eddie_strait)
43% Fan - Tony McKim (@fife1919)
42% Fantasy Pros,  Rotoballer and FFD260 - Kyle Richardson (@krich1532)
42% The Fantasy Football Fellas Podcast @theFFfellas - Seth McKinley (@sethfffellas)
42% Athlon - Chris Meyers (@FantsyChillpony)
42% Fantasy Hot Read - Adam Inman (@adaminman)
41% - Matt Modica (@ctmbaseball)
41% Dynasty Football Factory & Devy Watch - Kyle Francis (@FranchiseKF)
40% Fan - Sharona (@SharonaSZN)
39% Dynasty League Football - Anthony Santigate (@SantigateNFL)
38% Fakepigskin - Mike Galuszka (@MikeGaluszka)
38% Fake Pigskin - Jay Holmes (@JayHolmes_FP)
37% FFStatistics - Addison Hayes (@Amazehayes_)
36% - Adam Rank (@adamrank)
34% RotoWire - Adam Zdroik (@RotoZdroik)
33% RotoGrinders - Stephen Young (@Stevietpfl)
32% Fan - Ty Miller (@IWonSFB3)
30% Fan - Joe Anderson (@joewandy13)
30% Fan - Joe Vola (@)
29% Dynasty football factory - Christipher Bean (@Christipherbean)
23% Fan - Joey Brown (@12_brown)

Leading the 1.11s was Jeff Green, whose 73% was 27% better than the 1.11 average of 46%. I found it interesting that finding value from the 11 spot was as theoretically difficult as it was from the 1 spot, seeing as both of these spots yielded an average score of 46%.

AvgDraft Team
73% Fan - Jeff Green (@slojeff)
65% DLF & numberFire - Joseph Nammour (@jnammour24)
64% RotoViz - Shawn Siegele (@FF_Contrarian)
63% 2QBs - Geoff Doyle (@gmdoyle9)
60% Fan - Scott Rothstein (@bayareascott)
60% Fan - Trevor Stone (@Stony326)
58% Mike D'Ecclessis (@PseudoFootball)
57% Dynasty League Football - Doug Green (@BigBoardIDP)
57% FakePigskin/ RotoViz - Jeremy Hardt (@FantasyGumshoe)
56% Fan - Joseph Raycraft (@gofastjoey)
55% The Fantasy Fix - Seth Klein (@SethDaSportsMan)
54% NFL - Dave Feldman (@dbfeld)
54% Fan - Steven Seltzer (@sseltzer15)
54% Fan - Matthew Zozula (@TangoandCashFF)
54% RotoExperts in the Morning: FNTSy Sports Network - Gregg Sussman (@GreggSussman)
53% DLF - Eric Dickens (@DLFootball)
53% Dynasty League Football - Richard Jenkins (@rkjenkins07)
53% So Called Fantasy Experts - Josh Morgan (@SCFE_Josh)
52% ClockDodgers - Neal Maligno (@ClockDodgers)
52% Fake Pigskin - Allen Bassett (@Allen_Bassett)
51% Fan - Ricardo Chocron (@rchocron)
51% RotoUnderworld/DTC - Miguel Chapeton (@DynastyGuruFF)
51% America the Beautiful - Josh Hicks (@JHicks804)
51% RotoExperts - Brandon Murchison (@RotoSuperstar)
51% Fan - Dennis Harrison (@@IrvingHarrison)
50% Fan - Matthew Champion (@Mgchampion)
50% FLAFFL/Gut Feels - Jason Tran (@JasonTran)
50% Pro Football Focus - Jeff Ratcliffe (@JeffRatcliffe)
50% Eat Sleep Fantasy - Christian Brito (@cbritofantasy)
50% Beer Fueled Fantasy Football - Nick Spartz (@NickSpartz)
50% - Joshua Bigbee (@Generally_aware)
49% RotoExperts - Bobby McMann (@helloimbobby)
49% Fan - Michael Mecredy (@Mmecredy)
49% Rotogrinders - Travis Mangone (@travismangone)
48% Fan - Peter Gent (@the_ff_german)
48% Fan - Nick Robinson (@Nirobi03)
48% Dynasty Football Factory - Clayton Stefan (@DFF_Clayton)
47% RotoGrinders - Kevin Cole (@Cole_Kev)
47% Dynasty Nerds - Zach Fifelski (@Superflexerff)
47% Dynasty Football Factory,  Monday Night Rants podcast - Anthony Zaragoza (@ZaragozaAnthony)
46% Fan - Joshua Reid (@Mr_JoshuaR)
46% The Fantasy Footballers - Travis Strickland (@DFS_Travis)
45% RosterCoach, TheFantasyFix - Ryan Noonan (@RyNoonan)
45% Fan - Scott Caldwell (@Caldarooni)
44% Fan - Kenny Darter (@1stroundqb)
44% FNTSY Radio, Fantasy Guru Elite - Benny Ricciardi (@BennyR11)
44% EA Sports - Matt Franciscovich (@MattFranchise)
43% DLF - Kyle Holden (@TheDevyDude)
43% Fan - James Caldwell (@TheOmega_Ginger)
43% Fan - Keith Venable (@keithvenable)
42% Fake Pigskin - Steve Schulz (@SteveIDP)
42% Top2Sports & Top2Pod - Matt Hicks (@Top2Matt)
41% Dynasty1Fantasy - Jarrett Behar (@EyeoftheGator)
41% Fan - Joe Trionfetti (@Trionthewall1)
40% Fantasy Headliners - Jacob Hubman (@Fntsyheadliners)
39% Eat Sleep Fantasy - Dale Demott (@Dale_fantasy)
39% ESPN - Mike Clay (@MikeClayNFL)
39% RotoExperts - Tony Cincotta (@TheTonyCincotta)
38% Inside the Pylon - Justin Twell (@justintwell78)
38% - Brian D'Erario (@BrianDFF)
37% IDP Guys - Nathan Cheatham (@natecheat)
37% Fan - Matt Swenson (@ubetchaJL)
37% Fantasy Football 24/7 - Willie Lovato (@WillieFF247)
36% & - Tim McCullough (@TimsTenz)
36% Grapes of Draft Pod - Tim Turner (@quantimturner)
35% Fantasy Football Party Podcast (1500 ESPN) - John Tuvey (@jtuvey)
35% RotoViz - Matt Wispe (@WispeyTheKid)
35% - Matt Cunningham (@m9vcvegas)
35% ESPN, Rotoworld - Renee Miller (@reneemiller01)
33% Fan - Paul Welsh (@DynastyDog01)
33% @bravesbaseball
30% Fan - Nick Ward (@nck_wrd)
29% Athlon Sports - Sarah Lewis (@Sarah_Lewis32)
29% Gridiron Experts / The Coach and Cole Show - Nick Olson (@CoachO37)
27% Fantasy Alarm - Howard Bender (@rotobuzzguy)

Finally, the leader of the 1.12s was Rob Luhrs, whose 67% was 18% better than the 1.12 average of 49%.

AvgDraft Team
67% Fan - Rob Luhrs (@robluhrs)
63% Fan - Rob Warner (@RobFFSpin)
62% Fan - Eric Flynn (@EricJohnFlynn)
62% DHH - Corey Cameron (@Fantasy_Batman)
62% Best Ball Command Center - Mike Beers (@beerswater)
62% Fan - Craig Southwick (@C_Southwick)
60% numberFire - Ryan Ward (@marvinhward84)
60% Fan - Jeremy St.Pierre (@)
59% The Fantasy Authority,  Dynasty Life Pod - Andrew Frechette (@andyfreshh)
59% Fan - Tim Mcintosh (@Timmermac7)
57% Bleacher Report - Marcus Mosher (@Marcus_Mosher)
55% Dynasty Happy Hour - Robby Jeffries (@Robbyjeffries)
55% Fan - Brantley Tillman (@Fantasytillman)
54% FantasyFootballGuidebook - Sam Hendricks (@Fantasy_Fball)
54% Draft Sharks - Kevin English (@KEnglishDS)
54% Fan - Spoldog13 (@jeremyspolarich)
53% Gridiron Experts - Mike Rigz (@MikeRigz)
53% Dynasty League Football - The FFGhost (@TheFFGhost)
53% Yahoo - Scott Pianowski (@scott_pianowski)
53% Asylum Fantasy Football - Rick Fleeger (@asylumfootball)
52% Fan - Erich Pfingsten (@agameofthrows)
52% Fan - Andrew Rosien (@Floorkillah)
52%, - Jake Ciely (@allinkid)
52% Fan - Joseph Rossi (@ABQJoe_R)
51% Fan - Joseph Petrosino (@FFTRADERJOE)
51% DLF - Bruce Matson (@bmatz08)
51% Fan - Joe Morrison (@Fuss_Nation)
51% Fan - Tina Kampa (@vkngvxn)
50% Rotoviz - Ryan Bobbitt (@DrummerINaBox)
50% ESPN - Kyle Soppe (@KyleSoppeESPN)
50% Dynasty Trade Calculator - Josh Merrifield (@DTC_JoshM)
50% Friends with Fantasy Benefits, Fantasy Alarm FNTSY - Justin Mason (@Justinmasonfwfb)
50% Fan - Seth Gordon (@CapnHuggyFace)
49% Dynasty Tradecast - Eric Burtzlaff (@DynastyTrades)
49% Fake Pigskin - Kyle Robert (@notoriouskro)
49% Dynasty Nerds, Three Cone Podcast - Brett Librock (@Dynastybrett)
49% Fan - Joseph Paeno (@Paeno)
49% Rotoworld - Rich Hribar (@LordReebs)
48% Yahoo - Matt Harmon (@MattHarmon_BYB)
48% Scout Fantasy - Matt De Lima (@mattkdelima)
48% Draft Buddy - Mike MacGregor (@DraftBuddy)
47% Fan - Jacob Dreyer (@Jacob9er)
47% Fan - Scott Larish (@larishs)
47% Bleacher Report - Richard Janvrin (@RichardJanvrin)
47% RotoExperts - George Kurtz (@GeorgeKurtz)
46% Fake Pigskin - Thomas Corson (@DynastyInfidel)
46% Fan - Erik Nelson (@ejnelson)
46% SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio - Tim Riordan (@Timmymr)
46% FantasyGuru - Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan)
45% 4for4 - Mike Woellert (@Mike_Woellert)
45% Fanball - Jason Lee (@jlee_300)
45% Fan - Landon Teeter (@_soccerplayer24)
44% Beer Fueled Fantasy - Kristopher Hopper (@HoppBFF)
44% The Fantasy Coach Podcast - Dennis Esser (@coachesser)
44% Fan - Mat Threet (@dynatyBucther)
44% Rotoviz - Eric Braun (@FFPlanetX)
43% Fan - Chris Koenig (@TheyWereKones)
43% The Hateful 8 Fantasy Football Podcast - Jonathan Stone (@JonStoneH8F)
43% FFToday - Doug Orth (@DougOrth)
42% Inside the Pylon - Tom Mead (@THMead3)
41% Fan - Mike Krafick (@Mike_krafick)
41% - Lukas McLean (@DFF_Lukas)
40% Fan - Kyle Nash (@Kynashman)
40% Fan - Kevin Williamson (@ssn670)
40% - James Hanmore (@DFF_JamesH)
39% Her Fantasy Football - Ashley Williams (@AshleyHerFFB)
38% Pro Football Focus - Lorin Cox (@CoxSports1)
38% Fan - Bill Edwards (@b111edwards)
38% Fan - Andrew McLemore (@A_McLemore)
38% Fan - Shaun Meyer (@Deadduck77)
35% Fan - T Whudey (@Whudey)
34% - Jason Franklin (@terminalkennedy)
33% RotoCurve - Ricky Sanders (@RSandersDFS)
26% The Independent - Ed Malyon (@eaamalyon)
24% Dynasty Football Factory - John Orr (@DFF_JohnIDP)

Again, there are obvious limitations to reducing a draft score to a single number and this doesn't mean that a "low" scoring team isn't good at drafting or doesn't have a chance to win. After all, Fantasy Football is at least 90% luck. However, the point of the exercise was merely to identify, in the aggregate, who got the most "value" out of their draft capital. I hope you enjoyed the analysis, if so, feel free to share it liberally.

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